Berlin Royalties

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Why are Churches Selling Their Minerals?

Oklahoma Mineral Owners,

Berlin is back (she hopes). After a long hiatus, it is time to shake off the cobwebs and start writing again.

The topic today is why churches and other non-profits are selling their mineral rights and royalties. First, it might be useful to understand how they acquired minerals in the first place.

Why do Churches Own Oklahoma Minerals?

Mary Jane and Johnny must have been living in quite a bit of sin in order for daddy to bequeath the minerals to the church instead of his own kids. As Tolstoy probably said,

“happy families are all alike and keep their minerals; every unhappy family is unhappy in its down way .”

No matter the reason, it is now common for churches, synagogues, and other non-profits to own minerals through the generosity of their benefactors over the years.

Why are Churches Selling Their Oklahoma Royalties?

As Berlin understands it, there are two main reasons that churches are selling their Oklahoma minerals.

  1. ESG Initiatives: Churches have begun to sell their holdings in order to satisfy their constituents’ desires for the institution to be more “green.” Even Papa Frank has called for his folks to start selling their fossil fuel investments.

  2. Bookkeeping Hassles: Mineral and royalty bookkeeping can be a bit of a challenge. Most families decide to sell their minerals because accounting and tracking them is a burden. Churches and other institutions sell their mineral rights for the same reason.

Are you a Member of a Church that Would Like to Sell its Minerals?

Berlin has purchased the minerals and royalties of a number of different religious institutions over the past year. We have provided a lump sum to fund church operations and a quick closing. Please contact us if you would be interested in divesting of your Oklahoma mineral rights.

More to follow,
